You make me itch - and that’s why this teamwork is so difficult

Cathrine Fredhøi

Lightning talk

The aim of this lightning talk is to make the listener more self aware on how they can become a better team member, a better colleague and a better person.

The talk is based on a model by Ofman (2000) where he describes the core quadrant that will provide insight into a person’s strengths and weaknesses. The model consists of four parts. Firstly, your CORE QUALITY which is part of your strength as a person. Secondly, it is your PITFALL which is the overshoot of your core quality. The third quadrant is your CHALLENGE which is your weakness but also gives you the most opportunity to develop. Lastly, it is your ALLERGY which is the overshoot of your challenge and the behavior you find really irritating in others.

This talk will give you a peek insight into some of the most fascinating aspects of the psychology of teamwork, namely your own personality and how this affects the people around you.