
Lukas Schramm

"Utvikler" - Knowit

Master i algorithms, backendutvikler i hjerte, frontendutvikler i tvang. Nybergenser som ønsker å lære seg bergensk geografi og derfor lagte et forferdelig spill om Bergen. En av få mennesker på planeten som synes at Bergensk er pent. Overbevist oslokritiker.

Einar Høst

Advisor at NAV

Einar W. Høst has been a software developer for a long time. He is working as a socio-technical advisor at the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. He enjoys collaborative modelling, API design and computer programming. Over the past ten years, he has done talks on a variety of topics, including hypermedia, resiliency, recursive art and lambda calculus. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Oslo.

Iryna Vasylenko

Agile Lead at Sparebanken Vest

I have been working around 20 years in IT, currently as Agile Lead and Tester in Sparebanken Vest. I have passion for quality issuance, automation, and team processes. I am from beautiful Ukraine, where I studied and started my career path: developer, QA and team lead. Since that I have been working in few companies in Norway, both with international and local teams. I like to say that each developer is different, I like to learn their preferable way of working and find the best way of collaborating.

Daan van Berkel


Daan van Berkel is a enthusiastic software tinkerer with a knack for presenting technical details in a clear and concise manner.

Håkon Knudsen

Application Security Architect

Håkon is a developer with an above average interest in programming languages, information security and unicorns. Their biggest passion is authentication and authorization, which has lead them to work on exciting projects such as HelseID, a national trust service for the Norwegian health sector, built on OAuth and OpenID Connect.

Yves Hwang

AWS, Senior Solutions Architect

Currently thinking big, inventing and simplifying for my customers as a Senior Solutions Architect in AWS. I am a co-founder of wanda.space and a software engineer at heart. Building products is my craft as is my passion for creating a team culture that is innovative, inclusive, diverse, and based on a growth mindset that loves learning and seeks to solve challenging problems.

Bård Aase

Breaking mass mailings and data exports since 1983

Bård Aase has 20 years of experience as a developer and is currently a DevOps specialist in the platform team at Sbanken - et konsept fra DNB. He is committed to quality in every step throughout the software lifecycle. Bård is an avid supporter of open source and has been an active member of the Bergen Linux User Group, where he has organized lectures and meetings for many years. github.com/elzapp | mastodon.cloud/@elzapp | linkedin.com/in/bardaase/

Heidi Brovold

Capra Consulting AS, Chief People Officer

Heidi er informatiker, teknologileder og “design tenker”. Læring er forutsetningen for all utvikling. Derfor leter Heidi etter læring i alle kroker. Hun har vært utvikler, forskningsleder, prosjekt- og programleder og CTO. Nå er hun CP(eople)O i Capra Consulting AS.

Andreas Sætersdal Hartveit

CDO - Variant Bergen

I am a technology-interested designer with a primary area of expertise in UX/UI design and digital product design. As CDO at Variant in Bergen, I help my clients to design products that bring value to their users and their organisation.

In addition to my passion for design, I am also interested in team culture and interdisciplinary collaboration, especially between designers and developers.

Outside work I like to enjoy food and drinks, especially craft beer. I am also a big fantasy nerd and might know as much about fictional worlds as I do the real one. I believe that inspiration can be found in the strangest of places!

Marius Krakeli

Chief People Officer @ Variant

Marius is an ex programmer now turned product manager with a fondness for fantastic product experiences. Although spending most of his time thinking about product development, he also maintains his programming skills by being both producer and panelist on the JavaScript podcast “BartJS Podcast”. When he’s not working as a consultant at Variant, he is very entertained by video games and audio production.

Kristin Wulff

Chief Process and Innovation Officer

Kristin has a master in psychology (1996) and a master in organization and management (2014). She is now employed as the Chief process and innovation officer (CPIO) in Kantega and has recently finished a PhD degree at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Economics and Management. She has worked within software development in different roles since 1998, the last 15 years in leadership positions.

Andreas Olsen Gulla

Cloud and platform at ScaleAQ

Very interested in all things cloud, platform, containers, architecture, iot, etc..

Ole Kristian Pedersen

Cloud Native practice lead in Bekk

Developer/senior consultant and cloud native practice lead in Bekk. Interested in cloud architectures, CI/CD and developer productivity.

Embla Øye

Consultant @ Bouvet

Embla jobber som fullstack utvikler, og er utdannet sivilingeniør i havbruk fra UiB. Hun har 2 års erfaring fra konsulentlivet og jobber for tiden i Bouvet.

Ole Eskild Steensen

Consultant at Savvy

Ole is working as a consultant at Savvy. Most of his career he has worked as a software developer for companies that has names starting with “Fjord”.

Daria Krasnianska

Consultant, Bouvet

I’m a certified agile team coach and project manager with 13 years of experience in IT. Also, I’m a founder and board director of a volunteer organisation. My biggest passion is people and their interactions, which makes me believe that mastering people skills is the way to survive in today’s world. I prefer a challenging but supportive approach when leading projects and teams. I tend to create an environment where colleagues can leverage their personal and professional potential.

Oddmar Sandvik

Craftsman at Kraftlauget

Oddmar is an experienced architect, developer and adviser with 30 years’ experience helping clients solve complex system challenges.

He is currently hired by DNB Markets to assist their journey to modernize and migrate their systems to public clouds.

Oddmar is also quite lazy and likes tools that do the work for him.

Nicolai Gjellestad

CTO at Lyll and developer at Nicode

I’m mainly a back-end developer with experience in Go and C#, but I delve into exploring other technologies and languages as well. I have experience as a project manager and tech lead, I care about making people and teams do great stuff while having a good time.

Hannah Hansen

Datajournalist, NRK

Hannah jobber som datajournalist for NRKs undersøkende redaksjon på Vestlandet.

Maiken Beate Fjellanger

Designer and frontend developer at Kantega

Maiken is a frontend developer and designer with love for usability and accessible design. On her most recent project she contributed to implementation of WCAG 2.1 and Tilgjengelighetserklæring at Fiskeridirektoratet.

Sofie Thornhill

Designer i Variant

Anne Landro

Designpotet i Liflig

Anne har tro på at en liten dråpe kan skape ringvirkninger i et stort hav, at summen av de små detaljene utgjør forskjellen og at verden blir et bedre sted hvis vi ser mennesket bak masken.

Anne jobber med å videreutvikle Liflig - et selskap som tar totalansvar for å skreddersy IT-drømmer. Her tilfører hun designtankegang i alle kriker og kroker av selskapet.

Liflig er et selskap i Capra-gruppen, en gruppe av selskaper med samme hjerte.

Elisabeth Irgens

Developer @ Amedia

Elisabeth attended a CSS course back in 2006, and has been writing code for a living ever since. She still doesn’t fit the industry mold for a frontend developer, and has by now revolted against any notion that standardized skill sets are beneficial to the team sport of software development anyway. Today she’s having a blast at Amedia Produkt og Teknologi, wrangling Node.js apps that make up the micro-frontend architecture for 100+ local editorial media sites from around Norway.

Guro Prestegard

Developer @ Knowit

Developer @ Knowit

Janniche Lange

Developer @ Storebrand

Developer @ Storebrand. I like pair programming and delivering value to customers. Care about testing, readable code and frequent deliveries. And naming things. Also people and interactions more than processes and tools. And agile. Involved in communities for knowledge sharing; javaBin, Stavanger Agile Meetup and the new software conference HelloStavanger.no

Christine Smith-Johnsen

Developer at Apparat

Developer at Apparat

Elisabeth Whiteley

Developer at Apparat


Erik Andreas Røkland

Developer at Bouvet

Erik Andreas is a passionate developer at Bouvet

Ådne Forslund

Developer at Elmera

System developer from Trøndelag, with experience from the design industry, forklift driving, big consulting and now in-house developer.

Amar Topalovic

Developer at Kraftlauget AS

Amar has a masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Copenhagen, specializing in parallel programming and algorithms. During his studies he worked as a student developer at IBM. Today he works as a consultant at Kraftlauget, where he works with backend web development, mostly in .NET. He is particularly interested in functional and high-performance (GPU) programming.

Syver Storm-Furru

Developer at Kraftlauget AS

I am a frontend developer at Kraftlauget AS, who sometimes dabbles in the tech lead role. I like old and/or strange programming languages, food and wine, board games, and the occational hike with my dog.

Marit Ånestad

Developer at Oslo Origo

Marit har 11 års erfaring som utvikler og har et sterkt engasjement for å lage gode og samfunnsnyttige løsninger. Stortrives i tverrfaglige miljøer der hun kan bidra på mange forskjellige måter for å sikre et solid sluttprodukt.

Jobber nå hos Oslo Origo, digitaliseringsetaten i Oslo kommune

Jakob Endrestad Kielland

Developer at Variant Trondheim

Hi, my name is Jakob! 👋

I work as a developer and consultant for Variant Trondheim and I’m a life-long computer nerd. Day-to-day I spend most of my time working frontend with a great group of people (my team), but I love diving into other parts of the stack from time to time, such as our deployment pipelines. Besides technology my biggest passion is teaching. I worked as a part-time private teacher throughout all my years as a student, and I love the challenge of communicating something difficult in an interesting and understandable way, something that will hopefully shine through in my talk!

If you find me, talk to me about anything you’re passionate about, one of my favorite activities is hearing people nerd out about something!

Astrid Johnsen Tessem

Developer in TV 2

Astrid Tessem works as a backend developer in TV 2. Her main focus is to improve the user experience on TV 2 Play by creating a more personalized experience. She has also 4 years experience as a data scientist.

Johanna Jøsang

Developer on the AI team at Helse Vest IKT

Johanna is a data scientist and developer at Helse Vest IKT. She holds a bachelors in cognitive science and a masters in machine learning, both from UiB. Professionally she has worked on projects involving computer vision and natural language processing. She enjoys discussing the future of AI and speculate on the impact it will have.

Siv Midtun Hollup

Developer, team lead and mentor

Siv loves creating software, preferably together with other people. She works both as a developer and a team lead. A strong passion for teaching and outreach led her to help found the Nerdschool meetup and teach fundamental software engineering skills at the University of Bergen. She is still actively engaged in teaching newcomers to our field about craftsmanship of developing software.

Anders Norås

Director of Software Engineering (CTO) at Avanade

Originally educated in arts and design, Anders has spent the last twenty years writing code.

He has given numerous talks and keynotes at conferences such as JavaZone, NDC, J-Fall, Øredev and many more. Have given 100+ conference talks to a variety of audiences including media, design and hardcore computer science. Known for an energetic and highly engaging presentations.

André Heie Vik

Director of Technology at Knowit Experience Bergen

André is the Director of Technology at Knowit Experience Bergen. He is an enthusiastic and experienced technology leader and agilist with a strong background in software development. Before moving to a management role, he spent more than a decade as a software developer. André was part of the team establishing the Booster conference and helped organize the conference from 2011-2022.

Mufrid Krilic

Domain-Driven Design Coach at CoWork, Norway

Mufrid is devoted to leading and coaching product development teams, by cultivating knowledge sharing in the organization and increasing co-developer’s business understanding. His professional philosophy is rooted in Domain-Driven Design and in building agile and technical coaching culture on an organization-wide level. With 20+ years of experience as software architect, developer and technical coach, Mufrid has been deeply involved in developing enterprise-solutions in complex domains, such as healthcare, insurance and telecom.

Currently working as a consultant and Domain-Driven Design coach at CoWork, Norway.

Apart from work he enjoys spending time engaging his children in STEM activities. Mufrid is an enthusiastic First Lego League mentor and has actively contributed to the FIRST community locally and internationally.

Elias Brattli Sørensen

Engineer & Security Champion at Kantega SSO

Software Engineer & Security Champion at Kantega SSO, engineering digital identity standards for secure authentication to the Atlassian ecosystem while facilitating and promoting secure software development practices. Passionate about software security, and is coordinating the Kantega subject group for Security by Design.

M. Sc. in Computer Science at NTNU, where he was researching usage of static analysis tools like Spotbugs to find vulnerabilities in OpenID Connect client implementations.

Cathrine Fredhøi

Fostering Team Spirit in the World of Tech at Webstep

After many years of studying psychology in London, so far as to get a doctorate in the field, Cathrine decided to move back to Norway and cultivate her interest in technology. In Webstep, she stands as an arbiter, managing consultants and the vast spectrum of tech services they provide for their clients. Cathrine has always shown to have a keen interest in team harmony and productivity, while always staying on top of developments at the crossroads of tech and psychology.

Kristoffer Nordström

Front End Developer @ Variant

Kristoffer has a big heart for humanity & inclusion. He has been working with GUIs since the 1990s, a “Nordic citizen” from Sweden with Finnish roots living in Oslo Norway. Previous Head of Front End at the Norwegian Red Cross and currently working as a Consultant at Variant building education systems of the future for Sikt.

Catriona MacKenzie

Front-end developer

Originally hailing from London, Catriona left the high-pressure world of financial IT in 2012 to enjoy a more relaxed pace of life in the beautiful, mountainous city of Bergen, Norway, where she took up a new career as a web developer. Since then she has worked with various back-end web technologies before finally landing her dream role as front-end developer, and now spends most of her days wrestling with CSS in an attempt to turn designers’ wishes into reality. Catriona is passionate about making the web look as beautiful as possible, and adding extra finishing touches to delight her users.

Vegard Haugstvedt

Frontend developer and accessibility advocate at Webstep

An enthusiastic accessibility advocate, always preaching about WCAG, WAI-ARIA, A11Y and other abbreviations. Has red-green color vision deficiency and recognize situations in everyday life where we all benefit from accessible services.

As a frontend developer, Vegard enjoys working on the “front of frontend”, in the intersection between programming and UX, and his goal is that the services he works on should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their preferred platform or their abilities.

Stian Morsund

Frontend lead

Stian Morsund has a computer engineering degree from HVL. He is now frontend-lead at KS Digitale Fellestjenester after being a consultant for some years. He has previously talked at various events like JavaZone and JavaBin here in Bergen. Likes gamedevelopment, cats and contributing to opensource projects.

Malin Jakobsen


Frontend utvikler som jobber for Miles i Bergen, med stor interesse for brukerdesign og accessibility

Martin Valen

Fullstack developer at Kantega

Martin is a fullstack developer who never really thought about accessibility and therefore has several inaccessible pages on his conscience. He wanted to fix that problem, but didn’t find a proper introduction to accessibilty, so he went together with Maiken and made one!

Tore Stensaker Tefre

Head of Website and Mobile App at Widerøe

Tore is the current Head of Website and Mobile App at Widerøe, a Norwegian regional airline having Bergen as one of their focus cities.

Formerly, Tore was a consultant at Variant, where he developed and released a number of mobility and public transport apps and web solutions throughout Norway.

Before starting at Variant, Tore graduated from NTNU in Trondheim, with an MSc in Informatics in 2021. Tore have previously also worked as a software developer intern at Oslo Børs.

Anne Lise Bergem

Human Centered Designer, Equinor

20 years experience as a Product designer. I work as a Human Centred Designer at Equinor. For the past 12 years I have been designing digital products and services for clients in a range of industries; financial, energy, health, education, media and games. I have had roles like lead designer, service designer & UX/UI designer. My education is a MS in Industrial Design from the Oslo School of Architecture, the Norwegian Entrepreneurship School, and I have an Executive Master in Strategic Design for Innovation - Design Thinking from NHH/HVL/UIB. I also teach design thinking and I am a DT mentor. I bring curiosity and care for the user to the team :) Discovery and conceptualisation are my strengths. Want to know more? I am a Mom of 2, living in Bergen for more than a decade! I love Argeninean tango and to sew and knit my own clothes. I host a private wine club as Madam Pinot and I love good tea and yoga!

Even Ask Sleire

IT consultant, Kantega

Even has been working as an IT consultant at Kantega for 1.5 years, with a primary focus on backend development. He also finds enjoyment in contributing to the frontend side of applications.

He has a strong affinity for simplicity in code, believing that clean and straightforward solutions contribute to better maintainability and understanding of software.

Christian Pedersen

IT-Architect at DNB Markets

For the past 13 years, Christian has been working as a developer and architect for DNB Markets, operating and contributing to an array of different solutions, technologies and platforms. He has a keen interest for tool smithing and pipelines. Building useful tools and services to streamline, simplify and improve daily work.

Julie Eldøy

Jurist og teknolog

Julie er konsulent i Capra Consulting. Hun jobber mest som agile coach og teamleder. Med en tverrfaglig bakgrunn fra både juss og teknologi, trives hun spesielt godt i det skjæringspunktet.

Cecilie Daae Nilsen

Kantega AS

Backend utvikler

Jørgen Langemyr

Kantega AS

Jørgen er en utvikler fra Kantega

Morten Kjelling

Making interactive frontends for NRKs audience

Morten is a developer with a passion for user experience, performance, accessibility and design. For the last 2 years he has been building live TV interactions in NRK.

Dalibor Jovic

Managing consultant at Itera

Dalibor worked on over 200 projects in last 18 years. In Itera Dalibor works as a tech lead and a full-stack developer. He is also practice lead for AI-tools in Itera, making sure that all employees and customers get the most out of available AI tools. In his free time he makes videos about AI on LinkedIn, and videos about programming on YouTube. Advocate for clean code, and improving efficiency in all areas.

Fredrik Anthonisen

Metodeansvarlig, Team-as-a-Service, Webstep

Fredrik, metodeansvarlig for Team-as-a-Service i Webstep, har ledet utviklingen av selskapets rammeverk for teametablering. Med en bakgrunn som spenner fra utvikling til prosjekt- og teknologiledelse, er han godt kjent med utfordringene i både små og store bedrifter. Hans arbeidsmåte er farget av systemtenking og et smidig tankesett. I hans reise gjennom komplekse prosjekter, blir ærlighet, nysgjerrighet, og åpenhet naturlige ledetråder.

Brynjar Steinbakk Ulriksen

Miles, Developer IT-Security

Brynjar is a full-stack developer with an interest in Azure, DevOps, security, and integration. He has worked on security solutions at Equinor and currently is a part of the security team at Sbanken. In his free time, he has won two coding competitions in Stavanger, achieved the Azure DevOps expert certification, and played an active role in various roles in sports, stock analysis, and organization and management.

Ingeborg Klungland

Nå personalleder i NAV IT, tidligere konsulent i 12 år

Ingeborg har jobbet 12 år som konsulent i Capra Consulting AS, nesten alltid med å lede prosjekter og team mot et eller annet. Hun er stadig fascinert av hvordan mellommenneskelige forhold har et stort potensiale for å både øke og senke fart og flyt, mer enn det tekniske forhold ofte har. Det har gitt Ingeborg masse inspirasjon til å jobbe med teamdynamikk og hvordan få teamene hun jobber med til å jobbe best mulig sammen. Nå jobber hun som personalleder i NAV IT for å jobbe enda mer med folk.

Andreas THuen

Platformutvikler SPV

Jobbmer med å drifte og videreutvikle skypaltformen til Sparebanken Vest

Ove Gram Nipen

Principal Consultant at Kantega

Ove is a full-stack developer with 20 years of experience. In his spare time he goes sailing with his wife and two kids, and practices Taekwon-Do.

Elizabeth Zagroba

Quality Lead, Mendix

Elizabeth is Quality Lead at Mendix in The Netherlands. She discovers and fills in the gaps in exploratory testing by coordinating an ensemble (mob) testing practice, actively listening, and setting out to prove that when “it should just work” it actually does. She’s the go-to person for thinking critically about what’s being built, creating a common understanding, supporting colleagues outside the prescribed management structure, and writing API tests and English effectively.

She injects what she learns from books, conferences, and meetups into her daily work, spreading her knowledge through the workshops and lean coffee she facilitates. She’s appreciated as an exploratory tester with an “extraordinary power of observation and categorization.” Her goal is to build enough skills in individuals and teams to make herself redundant. She’s currently serving as a co-organizer for the Friends of Good Software Conference (FroGS Conf) and program committee member for Agile Testing Days.

You can find Elizabeth’s big thoughts at elizabethzagroba.com and little thoughts on Mastodon @ez@chaos.social.

Birgir Stefansson

Schibsted, Engineering Manager


Julian Philipp Merlin Ertel

Senior Consultant, Miles

Julian works as a senior consultant for Miles Bergen. His main competence is C++ development, but over the years he has gathered experience in a variety of different languages and technologies. As a developer he has mainly worked in the domains of video processing and seismic data acquisition. When given the option Julian’s language of choice is Rust.

Åsta Lindemann

Senior designer & advisor at Haltenbanken

Åsta is a senior designer from the brand design agency Haltenbanken in Bergen. She has a master in design, further education in Strategic design for innovation - Design Thinking, and has also completes «AI and Design Thinking», a part of the Technology Management and Digital Transformation master programme at NTNU. Åsta has extensive experience in strategic design development through the use of design methodology.

Christian Grimsgaard

Senior frontend developer, Kantega Bergen

Christian is a senior frontend developer at Kantega, and is highly enthusiastic about pixels and coffee. Ask him about React or the optimal way to roast a washed Kenyan coffee, and he’ll talk for days.

Sebastian Frøyen

Senior Frontendutvikler - Sopra Steria

Sebastian jobber hos Sopra Steria som en frontendutvikler der han arbeider med React. På fritiden så pumper han jern eller spiller Baldur’s gate 3.

Joakim Pedersen

Senior Security Consultant @ Atea

Joakim is a senior security consultant at Atea and works with penetration testing and incident response. He is passionate about security and contiously looks for ways to enhance the collaboration between the red and blue teams.

Joep Schuurkes

Senior Test Engineer at the Dutch Electoral Council

Joep wandered into software testing in 2006. After a decade of both exploratory testing and test automation, his focus shifted to a bigger question. How can teams and organizations build and deliver good software? To answer that question, he has been exploring topics such as technical leadership, quality engineering, and software methodologies.

Joep has given talks and workshops at conferences throughout Europe. He’s also one of the organizers of the Friends of Good Software unconference (FroGS conf).

Helene Storstrøm

Senior visuell og UX-designer i Kantega

Helene er designer hos Kantega i Oslo og jobber for tiden med Posten sin app. Hun er utdannet designer med både bachelorgrad og fagbrev, i tillegg har hun også et år med læringspsykologi i bagasjen. Dette gir henne et unikt perspektiv som designer. For med dette kan hun kombinere atferd, design og teknologi når hun jobber med løsninger for å finne ut hva som er best for brukeren. Etter jobb finner du henne ofte ute på treninger med hunden, som hun også konkurrerer aktivt med.

Hege Liby Erdal

Senior-konsulent hos Webstep

Hege has a PhD in experiment nuclear physics, and is now working as a senior backend developer in Webstep. For the past 3 years she has been a part of the team at KS Digitale fellestjenester.

Brage Breivik

Seniorkonsulent og medeier hos Kantega

Brage er den på laget som aldri klarer å holde seg i posisjon men virrer over hele banen, men som likevel bidrar til et godt resultat. UX, frontend, backend - alt er gøy og må prøves, noen ganger med godt resultat

Ricki Sickenger

Senoir Consultant, Tech Lead

Programmer, gamer, father of three kids. Games, Backend, Frontend, AR/VR and IT Consultant. Also a hobby game developer and retro computer enthusiast. =)

Abel van Beek

Software Developer

Abel van Beek is a software developer with a passion for front-end magic and creating kick-ass user experiences. It is not only about software either: he is about making it accessible for everyone, inclusive, and a force for good. His Dutch roots show not just in his love for chocolate sprinkles, but also in his pragmatic approach to complex issues.

At Vizrt, he tightly integrated their design system workflow with the LEGO blocks he created to quickly build and maintain accessible web applications. When not behind his desk, he is running, skiing and climbing outside of the digital box 🏃⛷️🧗

Anna Kvashchuk

Software Developer at Equinor

Anna Kvashchuk is a software developer at Equinor, mom to 1- and 5-year-old, wife to mathematician, and someone who prefers family retrospective to couples’ therapy.

Eugene Rebedailo

Software Engineer @Instech

Eugene is a software engineer at Instech, a company specializing in software for the marine insurance industry. He has fascination with game design, data modelling and Sichuan cuisine.

Stig Nielsen

Solution Architect Instech Solutions

I am a solution architect and tech lead at Instech (Insurance Technology Solutions AS). We create software for the marine insurance industry. I have about 20 years of experience. Been working for both startups and bigger organizations, it has been mainly finance related. Our tech stack is Microsoft/Azure based. When it comes to presenting, I have done several sessions/talks internally within the company on a wide range of topics. I did lightning talks at booster 2022 (MDM Pattern) and 2023 (Internal tech talks). I also had a talk at Feilefest 22. The topic then was “How to not to use a document database”.

Oleksandr Kazymyrov

Storebrand, Offensive Security Manager

Oleksandr is an experienced cybersecurity professional with a passion for offensive security. He has led numerous engagements across a variety of industries, helping clients identify and address critical security vulnerabilities in their systems and infrastructure. As an Offensive Security Manager at Storebrand, Oleksandr has also been responsible for growing and managing a red team program, which has helped Storebrand enhance its security posture and better understand its risks and vulnerabilities. With a background in software engineering and a deep understanding of offensive tactics, he is uniquely positioned to help organizations adopt modern and effective offensive security practices.

Anette Bergo



Marit Hellestø

Team Lead

Im Marit I currently work as a Team leader/Developer at Casi AS. This is my first inhouse experience as I´ve been a consultant for the last 8 years, having touched upon most types of development, from large backend projects, small websites, app development and so on.

The most fun part of the job is to challenge myself and learn new things, preferrably outside my comfort zone, which is also why I’m trying my hand at holding a talk at a conference.

Frida Sulen

Team Lead in Cubit AS

Ami Ahalpara

Tech Lead at Instech

Ami finds great joy in creating software and has lately been enjoying learning and practicing all things related to tech leadership. As a Tech Lead and Developer at Instech, she enjoys enabling her team in solving business problems, applying agile principles and continuously delivering value to customers. She likes to be a part of architectural and design decisions, removing any roadblocks, and helping foster psychological safety and collaborative culture within the team.

Ingrid Guren

Tech lead NRK.no

Ingrid is tech lead for JavaScript at NRK.no and has performed a disaster recovery of the front page at three in the morning.

John Arne S. Pedersen

Tech lead NRK.no

John Arne is the tech lead for Java at NRK.no, and he was on duty when Eurovision Song Contest Norwegian national final crashed in 2020.

Yijun Pan Stautland

Tietoevry, Senior Consulent

I’m a software developer and consultant at Tietoevry in Bergen. My passion for technology sparked with my very first PC and has grown ever since. Over the years, I’ve dedicated myself to mastering best practices and theories in various programming disciplines. My enthusiasm for Git has made me the go-to guy in our company. I’m excited to share my insights and learnings as I make my debut at the Booster conference.

Nils Norman Haukås

User experience designer by education, full stack developer by trade.


I lead a one-person technology studio named Builder Heart where I dream up, and make programs for people. Also, I like to blog and share my findings with others.

Currently dabbling in running my own infrastructure using Ansible, learning Linux system administration, and deploying Common Lisp (or Clojure) in the wild.

Erika Hågensen

Ux designer

I’m an empathatic, curious and positive designer. I have worked as a desiger for both startups as well as large banks.

I’m also an experienced circus artist!

Helene Sofie Stenstadvold

UX Designer

Passionate about creating great user experiences within the Fintech space. Currently working as a UX Designer at Stacc Oslo, but have previously worked at Tryg and Sparebanken Vest in Bergen.

Sindre Holm

UX Designer at Variant Bergen

Senior UX designer hos Variant Bergen. Bakgrunn som designer i Anti Bergen og Schibsted.

Vegard Feste

UX Designer at Variant Bergen

UX Designer

Maja Maria Dawn Jaakson

UX Engineer, EDS core team, Equinor

Maja has an academic background in philosophy, linguistics and logic and a professional background in web dev and agile coaching. She had the pleasure and good fortune of joining the Equinor Design System (EDS) Core Team in 2023 as a UX Engineer. Professionally speaking, she’s into stuff at the intersection of dev and design and all things process, collaboration and quality improvement. She is also one of the organizers of the Frontiers Bergen meetup group.

Unprofessionally speaking, she into shiny things—parrots, tropical plants, obnoxious nail polish. Also Wittgenstein and powerlifting. Please come say hi to her if you like any of these, too. 😄

Siv Holen

UX Manager in Kantega

Siv is a senior interaction designer and has worked with digital user experiences for over 20 years. She is excited about new ways of working with UX in the era of AI. She has recently taken the couse “AI and design thinking” at NTNU and wants to share her experiences with you. Siv is a manager for User Experience and Design in Kantega.

Becca Kennedy

UX Strategist and Design Researcher

Becca is an independent UX consultant in Albany, New York, USA with a PhD in Psychology. She loves working with teams on thoughtful and impactful products and services.

Elen Haksø

UX-designer i Kantega

Elen er UX-designer hos Kantega i Oslo, og jobber for tiden med bedriftsnettbanken Sparebank 1. Hun har en Master i Interaksjonsdesign fra Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, og Bachelor i Mediedesign fra Høyskolen i Volda og Griffith University. Hun har også studert UX Design hos Noroff. Etter jobb finner du henne ofte med kamera i hånda, eller på tur i skogen med hunden Ted og hesten Rosie.

Marie Stoltz


Marie forsøkte seg i C++ på slutten av 90-tallet, men tok en u-sving og har siden da pådratt seg over 20 års erfaring innen ulike typer digitaliseringsprosjekter. Marie har ledet designavdelinger og tverrfaglige team, og hun har sett mange ulike typer produktteam, avdelinger og organisasjoner fra innsiden. Marie brenner for innovasjon og endring gjennom å forstå andre mennesker. Hun er også daglig leder for Variant i Bergen.

Vegar Norman

Web designer

I am a web designer who enjoys working somewhere inbetween design and code, mostly with large-scale web portals and design systems. I love working with accessibility and challenges that involves the end user, and how we as developers can make the web a better place for everyone. I spend my free time as a moderator in Norsk programmering, the largest Discord server for Norwegian coders, and focus my efforts around creating a community that is open and welcoming to everyone, no matter the skill level or ambition.